If early alzheimer 's is diagnosed , starting one or more prescription drugs may help slow the progression of the disease .
Only the naive would expect a straight line progression when , in almost all human endeavours , the path zigzags .
Or is the trend just the natural progression of our language in a digital age ?
This aspect will continue to accelerate when the technology itself takes full control of its own progression .
A highly resistant strain of hiv linked to rapid progression to aids is identified in new york city , us
Mba programmes are assessed according to alumni career progression , their international exposure , diversity of students and staff , and the quality of faculty and research .
Lean production was seen as the third step in an historical progression , which took industry from the age of the craftsman through the methods of mass production and into an era that combined the best of both .
This approach sees arguments as the progression from accepted facts or evidence ( data ) to a conclusion ( claim ) by way of a statement ( warrant ) that establishes a reasonable relationship between the two .
According to the authors , companionship love , which is what many couples see as the natural progression of a successful relationship , may be an unnecessary compromise .