
v.正式宣布( proclaim的现在分词 );显示
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- He struck in 1952 , proclaiming national liberation and severing the strings of western puppet-masters .
- 纳赛尔在1952年发动政变,宣布了民族解放,并结束了西方傀儡政府的统治。
- Since labour came to power in 1997 proclaiming education its priority , one grand policy after another has foundered .
- 自1997年工党执政宣布教育是它的工作重心以来,一个又一个宏大的政策制定了。
- All the church bells rung , and the heralds rode about the town proclaiming the betrothal .
- 教堂的钟都响起来了,传令人骑着马在街上宣布订婚的喜讯。
- The salafist party 's posters have displayed pictures of popular television preachers , proclaiming their endorsement despite denials from the preachers themselves .
- 该萨拉菲派政党的海报出现了著名电视传教士的画面,尽管这些传教士本人否认但该党仍然宣称获得了他们的支持。
- Even osama bin laden eventually got in on the act , proclaiming the wars in iraq and afghanistan fatal blows to american power and a vindication of al-qaeda 's campaign of terror .
- 连奥萨马本拉登最终也加入了这场争论,宣称伊拉克和阿富汗的战争是对美国的致命打击,证明基地组织的恐怖战争是正义的。
- Between january and march they had together waged a devastatingly effective campaign against mali 's army , sending its last troops packing in early april and proclaiming an independent state called azawad .
- 从一月到三月汇聚的叛军和马里军队展开激战并在四月上旬召集了最后一批部队,他们还宣布建立一个叫“阿扎瓦德”的独立国家。
- And he departed , proclaiming throughout the whole city what great things jesus had done for him .
- 他就去,满城传扬耶稣为他作了何等大的事。
- Conservative pundits are proclaiming the death of unions .
- 保守派专家更是提倡取缔工会。
- She delved into academic literature , expecting to find studies proclaiming married folks to have more happiness , health , wealth and longevity .
- 她查考了大量学术资料,期望找到是否有研究显示已婚者较独身者幸福、健康和长寿。
- Through them we are sending message after message from every direction proclaiming the good news .
- 通过他们我们得以向四面八方传播好消息。