Good : fruit is handled in a reasonable manner to prevent undue damage and contamination . No conditions exist that predispose the product to external contamination .
Using the latest technology , scientists will screen tissue samples from the study looking for genetic ariants that may predispose indiiduals to deelop early atherosclerosis .
This difference could potentially predispose women to heart problems while under stress , said study leader , dr chester ray , of penn state college of medicine .
Psychologists , who used data from 900 pairs of twins , identified evidence for common genes which result in certain personality traits that predispose individuals to happiness whatever their circumstances .
Does being ethnically chinese predispose you to commercial success ?
Conditions that predispose miners to lung disease .
Frustration predispose him to look on the dark side of thing .
But above all , effective prevention addresses the structural faults that predispose a society to conflict .
Conclusions : bladder dysfunction did not predispose patients to recurrent urinary tract infections .
An improperly conditioned core will limit movement capabilities and predispose you to injury whether you are performing everday activities or complex sports movements .