pooped 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The summer heat made me feel pooped out .
- 夏季的炎热使我感到累坏了。
- Don 't ask me to move , I 'm pooped out .
- 别叫我走了,我累坏了。
- Somebody pooped in the sink .
- 有人在水槽里大便!
- You have live rabbits being pooped out onto a track ?
- 你要把筋疲力竭的真兔子放到车道上?
- Morris was pooped , but curiosity kept him moving along .
- 莫里斯已经筋疲力竭,但好奇心驱使他继续前进。
- I think she pooped me out .
- 我想她把我生出来。
- That was the first time I pooped so many juicybars !
- 我第一次拉屎可以有这么多果汁棒!
- All the kids were pooped out after swimming .
- 游泳之后孩子们都精疲力竭了。
- I can 't go another step . I 'm pooped .
- 我一步也走不动了,我已经精疲力尽了。
- I have been pooped on by a monkey .
- 我一直被猴子弄得疲惫不堪。