

pockmarked 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- There are many pockmarked face .
- 脸上有好多麻子。
- When he was twenty-two , he went to vienna to seek his fortune , a pockmarked , rather clumsy young man in provincial clothes .
- 22岁时,贝多芬到维也纳去碰碰运气。当时他是个脸上有麻子、一身外省人打扮、相当笨头笨脑的年轻人。
- Beancurd made by a pockmarked woman .
- 满脸雀斑的女人制作的豆腐。
- I want to eat pockmarked woman 's bean curd .
- 我想吃麻婆豆腐。
- The plane was making its approach to the pockmarked landing strip .
- 飞机正在接近凹陷不平的简易跑道。
- It began as a long trudge through sweet , green , virginal valleys pockmarked with farms or the occasional hamlet .
- 我开始长途跋涉,经过郁郁葱葱的处女山谷,山谷中点缀着农田和偶尔一见的小村庄。
- The girls surrounding tu wei-yueh abandoned him and turned their attention to pockmarked li .
- 于是包围着屠维岳的女工们就一齐转身去抢人。
- But he cannot afford to make pockmarked li lose too much face .
- 可是总不能不给李麻子一点面子。
- One side of pockmarked li 's face was bruised and swollen .
- 李麻子的鼻子边有一搭青肿。
- The tiny moon is a mere 700 miles wide and appears to be a thick , pockmarked layer of water ice surrounding a smaller rock core .
- 小卫星仅仅700英里宽,厚厚的,布满一层水冰小孔,围绕着一个较小岩石核心。