

Po 变化形式
易混淆的单词: POpo
Po 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This open-air museum is in the town centre of tai po market .
- 香港铁路博物馆是一所露天博物馆,位于大埔墟市镇中心。
- In recent years the annual number of waders stopping at mai po has steadily increased , to around 60000 .
- 近年来,在米埔停留的鹰的数量逐年稳步增长,现在大约是60000只。
- Confirming sales contract and po .
- 确认销售合同及订单。
- He studied economics and politics at sciences po in paris before getting involved in socialist research work .
- 他在巴黎政治学院(sciencespo)学习了经济和政治,后来参与了社会党的研究工作。
- Set up a separate po box or phone number ( pre-paid mobile is best ) for the replies .
- 创建一个专门的邮政信箱或手机号码(最好是预付费手机)来回复。
- Ma po tofu is the most famous sichuan dish , because of its unique spicy flavor is widely loved by the patrons .
- 麻婆豆腐是四川菜中最有名的一道儿菜,因其独特的麻辣风韵而广受食客心爱。
- Traverse the wild apennine mountains and descend to the fertile po valley .
- 穿越亚平宁山脉野生下降到肥沃的波河平原。
- Po : if he is indeed an intellectual who only knows some little trick , how could he be so brave to save a strange woman ?
- 博:如果他真的是个只会点欺人之术的读书人,怎麽会这麽勇於出手救一个陌生女子呢?
- Tell me the good news as soon as po ible .
- 尽可能早得告诉我好消息。
- The award for po bailey came as a welcome morale boost for the crew .
- 对士官柏利的嘉奖提升了潜艇官兵的士气而受到欢迎。