CET6+TEM4考 研
pneumonia 肺炎
pneumonia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cdc officials are urging high-risk adults to get vaccinations against both pneumonia and h1n1 .
- cdc的官员们正在敦促高危人群尽快接种能同时抵御肺炎和甲型h1n1流感的疫苗。
- On her fourth visit to hospital she was admitted and initially diagnosed with pneumonia .
- 在第四次去医院后她才被确诊,而最初诊断为肺炎。
- That same day , mexican authorities notified paho of a worrisome outbreak of atypical pneumonia .
- 同日,mexican卫生当局通报了paho了令人担忧的非典型肺炎的爆发。
- While often benign , the bacterium can cause bloodstream infections , fatal pneumonia and meningitis .
- 虽然经常是良性的,这种细菌可以导致血液感染,致命的肺炎和脑膜炎。
- Sputum is generally only examined if doctors find evidence of pneumonia on a chest x-ray or during the examination .
- 如果医生作体检或胸x射线检查发现肺炎证据时,一般才进行痰液检查。
- Pneumonia is the biggest culprit , with other respiratory infections , accidents and intestinal problems trailing behind .
- 肺炎及其他的呼吸道感染是罪魁祸首,紧随其后的是事故和消化道问题。
- American doctors are often reluctant to prescribe flu drugs for pregnant women unless they develop severe symptoms like pneumonia .
- 除非出现严重的像肺炎这样的严重疾病,美国医生是不会给孕妇开药的。
- It is normally harmless but can cause blood poisoning and life-threatening pneumonia in the vulnerable .
- 通常它是无害的,但是在易受伤害人中,能导致败血症和危及生命的肺炎。
- When flu causes pneumonia , it can damage cells deep in the lungs , opening a portal for bacteria .
- 当流感引起肺炎,它可以破坏肺部深处的细胞,为病菌打开一个通道。
- But her symptoms did not improve , and she was given other diagnoses , including asthma and pneumonia .
- 但她的症状并没有缓解,然后医生又给出了其他诊断,包括哮喘和肺炎。