plugin 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Most bloggers use the plugin to send a thank note and build good will .
- 大多数博主用这种插件来发送感谢信以建立良好关系。
- For example , you can make a wordpress plugin or joomla template .
- 比如,你可以做一个wordpress插件或逐浪模板。
- Now you can enter the keyword followed by your search terms in the location bar to search with that plugin .
- 现在就可以通过这个插件功能在关键词后插入你输入在搜索栏中的内容进行搜索了。
- Simple plugin design that allows users to easily develop their own service checks .
- 简略的拔件计划容许用户能够很浅易天开辟它们本身的服务检讨。
- In order to determine which versions your host provides , we 've created the health check plugin .
- 为了方便用户确认主机商所提供的版本支持,我们开发了信息检查插件。
- If your plugins are not listed in the list , you better contact the plugin author before upgrade your wordpress .
- 如果你所用的插件不在这个列表中,在升级wordpress之前你最好还是联系插件作者。
- So could widgets that add some glue features to web pages without the plugin .
- 通过小插件将glue的特性加入到页面中而不必用插件,也会有一定帮助。
- Once we have the basic framework , changing the plugin to do other things is simple .
- 我们已经创建了第一个插件,基于这个插件进行修改进而创建其他插件就很容易了。
- Nyc-based startup adaptiveblue has released a new version of its glue firefox plugin .
- 创建于纽约的新公司adaptiveblue发布了新版本的glue火狐插件。
- Setting up the language switcher plugin to work with your wordpress site does take some work .
- 要想为你的wordpress网站配置好languageswitcher插件需要做蛮多的设置的。