pin down是什么意思,pin down的意思是

pin down基本解释

把…固定住; 使动弹不得;迫使作出决定; 采取行动


1. 约束 控制
2. 牵制
3. 困
4. 使受约束
5. 阻止
6. 下结论
7. 犄

pin down的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Other after-effects may be equally hard to pin down .
Anonymous and lulzsec pose a problem for law enforcement partly because their membership and operations are difficult to pin down .
Our solders knew how to pin down enemies .
This is hard to pin down because we do not know the true scale of the mess our banks are in .
We have been trying to pin down by experiments what people mean by these expressions in specific contexts and how the meanings change with age .
The researchers were able to pin down the radiation 's origination point by combining measurements of the gamma-rays with radio-wave observations .
The origin of this singular skill was a turning point in our history yet the timing is extremely difficult to pin down .
If they can pin down the relationship between age and rotation a star 's age will be much easier to measure .
He 's really difficult to pin down -- you 'll have to be persistent .
The police tried to pin down the blame for the fire in the school .