piloted 怎么读,piloted 的音标和真人发音
piloted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 But murphy 's background in publishing and the music industry did give him an even more important qualification : that of having piloted his companies through uniquely fast-changing times . 不过,莫菲在出版及音乐产业方面的背景的确给他增添了更为重要的资历:引领他的公司安全度过了这个飞速变幻的时代。 And over the next 40 years or so , they are expected largely to replace piloted aircraft . 而且在接下来的40年或者更长的时间里,无人机被寄予厚望用来替代驾驶机的使用。 Fabre had never piloted an airplane before that historic march day in 1910 . 在1910年3月的那个史诗性的一天之前,法布尔从未驾驶过飞机。 You can even see the shadow of an ultralight plane piloted by another photographer . 你甚至可以看到另一位摄影师所驾驶的一架超轻型飞机的影子。 It held two of every kind of animal , survived a flood for a long time and was piloted by a righteous man named noah . 它每种动物各载两只,在洪水中躲了很长一段时间,由一个叫诺亚的正直男子驾驶。 Around 1100 air force pilots fly remotely piloted aircraft , or drones . 大约有一千一百名美国空军飞行员以远程遥控方式驾驶无人机。 An identity card system is being piloted in some cities . 一种身份证系统正在某些城市试用。 The first versions of the tests are to be piloted in september at selected universities . 9月份,测试的第一份卷样将在选定的几座大学里进行试点。 Flight control , design , installation and test of piloted aircraft . 航空器操纵系数的设计,装置及试验通则。 Some military strategists already think that the job the f-35 is meant to do can be better handled by cruise missiles and remotely piloted drones . 一些战略军事家早已预料到,f-35的分内之职可能更适合交由巡航导弹和遥控飞行的无人机来处理。