
photovoltaics 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These jobs will be in engineering , constructing and operating huge solar systems and wind farms and manufacturing new photovoltaics .
- 这些工作机会将出现在工程设计、建设、经营庞大的太阳能系统和风力发电场,还有建造新的光伏产业。
- Record investments in small-scale , namely rooftop solar photovoltaics offset that , partly .
- 记录显示,对小型的屋顶太阳光伏发电的投资可以抵消部分的损失。
- In the short term , that means rolling out proven technologies such as onshore and offshore wind power , solar photovoltaics and energy efficiency measures .
- 就眼前来说,这意味着推广成熟的技术,如陆地或海上风力发电、太阳能光电和能源效率措施。
- Brightsource hadn 't yet figured out how to make solar thermal power as cheap as wind turbines or photovoltaics .
- 亮源公司仍没有解决如何让太阳热能能源象风电机组或光伏发电那么便宜。
- If demand for photovoltaics remains high , in part because government incentives in germany and elsewhere prop it up , then solar panels could remain expensive enough to keep the price of solar energy well above that of electricity from the grid .
- 如果对太阳光电的需求持续很高,在某种程度上因为德国政府的刺激政策和其他的支持,太阳能板价格一直很高,也就使得太阳能源的价格要高于电网发电。
- The goal is to turn scientific advances into deployable technology , like better batteries for the electric cars that could further reduce u. s.demand for oil or cheaper photovoltaics to produce the electricity that would go into those batteries .
- 这个目标是把科学进步转化成可发展的技术,比如适用于电动汽车的更好的电池,这可能进一步减少美国对石油的需求,或者便宜的光电技术用来生产为这些电池供电的电力。
- Concentrated solar power and photovoltaics represent two different technology paths .
- 聚光太阳能发电与太阳能电池是两种不同的技术途径。
- He says that $ 150 billion was invested in renewable energy last year , with $ 28 billion of that going on photovoltaics .
- 他说去年有1500亿美元被投资在了新能源领域,而其中280亿美元被投到了光伏产业。
- Declined : large , utility-scale solar photovoltaics
- 减少:大规模、高功效的太阳能光伏发电
- Conventional power plants can change from water cooling to dry cooling , and more energy can be generated by sources that use extremely little water , such as photovoltaics and wind .
- 传统发电厂可以把冷却方式由水冷变为干冷,利用几乎不需要水的新能源来发电,例如太阳能和风能。