
v.滥用( pervert的现在分词 );腐蚀;败坏;使堕落
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- Tom watson , a former labour minister , has accused james murdoch and ms brooks of perverting the course of justice .
- 前工党政府大臣托马斯沃森(thomaswatson)已指控詹姆斯默多克与布鲁克斯犯有妨碍司法公正罪。
- The court heard that in march 1999 she was arrested for perverting the course of justice and then murder .
- 法庭了解到,在1999年3月,哈尼姆因妨碍司法公正和谋杀而被捕。
- He admits sending ' awful emails ' but denies perverting peer review
- 他承认发送了“可怕的邮件”,但是否认同行评审贪赃枉法。
- Chris huhne resigned as britain 's energy minister after prosecutors said they would charge him with perverting the course of justice over a speeding incident .
- 在检诉机关表明要起诉其超速驾驶事件中干扰司法程序,英国能源与气候变化大臣克里斯休恩辞职下台。
- Ms. brooks and five others were charged with perverting the course of justice in may .
- 布鲁克斯与另外五人今年5月曾因妨碍司法公正被起诉。
- One pathological outcome is an adult who copes by perverting the truth whenever things don 't turn out as they would like .
- 一个病理性的后果是产生一个每当事情没有按照他们想法发展时便只会通过扭曲现实来解决问题的成人。
- He describes corruption as a " tsunami " that has wrecked most asian football leagues , and is now perverting european soccer .
- 他说赌球就像一场海啸一样,摧毁了大部分亚洲足球联赛,现在它的魔抓正伸向欧洲。
- Even though offences with traffic points seem piffling , what he 's actually done in passing them on counts as perverting the course of justice .
- 尽管交通分数方面的违规似乎微不足道,但他让别人顶包的行为,实际上等同于妨碍司法公正。