

v.说服( persuade的第三人称单数 );劝告;使信服;使相信

persuades 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

And here again hitchcock 's care with the scenes and dialog persuades us that norman and marion will be players for the rest of the film .
Just because some people like to get news from lots of sources and other people prefer to read no news at all , does not mean that the existence of persuades more people to subscribe to the print edition .
Leadership in a global information age is less about being the king of the mountain issuing commands that cascade down a hierarchy than being the person in the center of a circle or network who attracts and persuades others to come help .
But even if mr. obama sticks to his objectives and persuades congress to pass what is likely to be called the edward m. kennedy health care for all act , he will have done nothing to reduce the $ 9 trillion in borrowing that budget director peter orszag projects for the next 10 years .
2000 : The us farming lobby persuades congress to permit food exports to cuba .
Another sign will be whether she persuades the government to relax the rigid local-content rules .
If regulators approve the deal , news corp then needs to find a price that persuades shareholders in both companies to go along .
Not that he 's eager for more business : the group provides counseling that persuades many clients to go on living .