When you wake up you will often be thirsty because your body loses water while you are sleeping through breathing and perspiration .
Wear cotton or wool socks ( which absorb more perspiration ) and canvass or leather shoes rather than synthetic ones .
The body loses moisture through perspiration as well as through respiration ( think of your breath fogging a window ) .
The good news is there are ways to combat hyperhidrosis ( i.e. excessive perspiration ) and cope better with it .
The copy pointed out that odorono ( occasionally written odo-ro-no ) had been developed by a doctor and it presented " excessive perspiration " as an embarrassing medical ailment in need of a remedy .
While the visual cortex in the back of the brain assembles the actual images we see , a different , older part of our nervous system manages the continuous tuning of our pupil size , alongside other functions - like heart rate and perspiration - that operate mostly outside our conscious control .