

[医][=peak blood acetaldehyde concentration]血乙醛浓度峰值

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At the same , the article creates a policy-based framework for network security . In this framework an application prototype of PBAC is programmed for access control of network .
A completely different and innovative technology , reconstructed-object describing technology , is used in the fundamental model to uniformly manage the conversation entities that strengthens the adaptive capacity of PBAC .
This paper introduces the concept of PBAC . Considering the characters of component-based software development , an implementation framework of PBAC is also given , which can help to realize the fine-granular access control .
Conclusion : According to the standard of Flint , PbAc can be a specific inhibitor of brain cell differentiation , its brain cell developmental toxicity is related to the inhibition of cell proliferation and differentiation .
Methods Creating the lead exposure model of mouse by feeding PbAc for four weeks , we dynamically observed the levels of NO , SOD , MDA in lead-treated mouse brain at 3h , 12h and 24h after injecting Sodium nitroprusside ( SNP ) .
Sixty SD rats were fed on diets with lead acetate ( PbAc 2 ) at doses of 0 , 10 , 30 , 90 , 270 and 810 mg / kg for 8 weeks . Blood lead concentration was detected by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and T lymphocyte subsets ( CD 4 , CD 8 ) by the APAAP assay after the exposure .
This paper introduces an access control mechanism called PBAC ( process-based access control ), which models from the active process , based on the access control model of current operating system , according to the role of process , the process privilege is assigned and managed in more detail . It enhances information confidentiality , integrity and controllability , and reduces the malicious code threat to the computer system .
low dose lead ( 5 4 mg / L PbAc , by drinking );
This exercise , he said , had demonstrated the need for the PBAC to provide more timely access to information .
As a solution , policy-based access control ( PBAC ) model is proposed to be the foundation of the research .