The institution of private property , meanwhile , made paternal certainty a vital concern , and monogamy , particularly for women , was strictly enforced .
This , of course , was not beatle john lennon but his namesake paternal grandfather , more commonly known as jack , born in 1855 .
He restated his willingness to negotiate with the opposition , and reasserted his paternal concern for the people .
My husband is a civil servant and has brilliant flexible working entitlements , but I would resent it if he took on a strong paternal role and I was the one always out at work keeping the income coming in .
Maternal age is a factor and , according to recent research , so is paternal age .
Governments should also legislate to get employers to offer both maternal and paternal leave , and provide or subsidise child care .
Mr trivers argues that competition between our maternal and paternal genes can create " split selves " , which try to fool each other on a biological level .
These trends by themselves don 't tell us which force ( paternal , societal or otherwise ) is pushing and pulling daughters down one career path or another .