

patented 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The t-top was patented in 1951 but wasn 't used in production until 1968 on the corvette .
- T型车顶在1951年就获得了发明专利,但直到1968年才正式投产用于Corvette。
- It is unclear which applications may be patented .
- 何种应用能申请专利并不明了。
- German-born american inventor of the linotype typesetting machine ( patented 1884 )
- 发明了整行铸造排字机的德裔美国发明家(1884年取得专利权)
- It could also give fresh commercial life to existing antibiotics ; when combined with a decoy they can be patented as a new drug .
- 它也可能会赋予现存的抗生素新的商业生命;将它们与诱骗物结合在一起时,就可以注册为一种新药。
- Judges have been bolder : in july a federal court ruled that genes could be patented .
- 法官们是更加的大胆:7月份联邦法庭裁决基因可获得专利。
- Most big western firms are already present in these countries , selling their patented products .
- 大部分西方的大公司已经进驻这些国家,并销售他们的专利产品。
- Our new design has been patented .
- 我们的新设计获得了专利权。
- Even more processes are never patented at all but kept as secret processes .
- 更多的工艺过程根本就不会取得专利权,而是作为秘方保存着。
- But someone may have thought of it years ago for some totally different use , and patented it .
- 不过,也许有人在多年前为了某种完全不同的用途就有过这种想法,并且得到了专利权。
- Mayo 's lawyers say prometheus has patented a mere observation of the body 's natural workings .
- 梅奥的律师说普罗米修斯公司申请的仅仅是观察人体自然运行的专利。