
passcode 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Also , siri can reveal private data you 'd rather it didn 't unless you adjust your passcode permissions .
- 此外,siri会显示你不不大希望透露的私人数据,除非你重设密码许可。
- Each voter received a passcode to allow them into a website where they could cast their ballot electronically .
- 每个选民收到一个密码允许他们到一个网站,在那里他们可以投他们的电子选票。
- First , of course , the iphone 5 could have biometric security to avoid having to type in a passcode for access .
- 首先,iphone5当然可以使用生物识别来避免访问时不得不敲入密码。
- Users can enable predefined password and customize passcode to login to airdroid desktop .
- 用户也可以激活预定义密码,或是自定义登陆airdroid桌面密码。
- As for the tech itself , rogers explains fingerprint scanning as a whole is more secure than the four-digit passcode .
- 罗杰斯表示,就整体而言,指纹扫描技术的安全系数要高于传统的四位解锁码。
- Across both android ( goog ) and ios devices , just over 50 % of users use the four-digit passcode feature .
- 据统计,仅有一半多的Android和iOS用户在使用四位数字解锁码。
- Users may simply touch the home button to unlock their phone and even authenticate itunes purchases , instead of inputting a custom 4-digit passcode used by previous iphones .
- 用户只需轻触Home键就能解锁手机,甚至还能在iTunes上消费,而在此之前,用户必须先在手机上输入四位数的解锁码。
- Once you use it you 'll never want to peck out a passcode again .
- 一旦体验过这个功能,绝对没人再想一个键一个键地敲入密码了。
- A replay of the webcast will be available for two weeks at replay 888-203-1112 ; passcode 2922403 .
- 网络广播回放可在两周内拨打电话888-203-1112收听;确认代码为:2922403。
- In conjunction with the passcode , enable the screen lock feature after a few minutes of inactivity .
- 除了使用密码之外,还应开启自动锁屏功能,让手机待机几分钟后就自动锁屏。