And , at the risk of sounding parochial , adopt a capital regime similar to the canadian system .
Although the term mittelstand is sometimes applied to quite small , parochial firms , the most interesting ones are rather bigger and more outward-looking .
An eu without britain would be more parochial and less liberal . An eu without the euro might not exist at all .
They are inflamed , however , by different narratives of history , and by national media coverage that is often parochial and amnesiac .
In doing so , they proved that though we were wrong to think we had escaped the vagaries of the business cycle , we did have the ability to overcome the vices of parochial politics that led to calamity in the 1930s .
But silicon valley 's explanation of why there are no disruptive innovations is parochial and reductive : the markets-in particular , the incentives that venture capital provides entrepreneurs-are to blame .
An eu without britain would be more parochial and less liberal .