

v.释义,意译( paraphrase的现在分词 )

paraphrasing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Uncredited improper paraphrasing of pages or paragraphs .
Many years later kaiser kuo wrote to the effect ( I 'm paraphrasing ) that : " dashan seems like a nice enough guy but for some reason every once in a while I have the urge to punch him in the face . "
When you take notes make sure you indicate what you are paraphrasing and what you are copying verbatim .
I side with the late great peter drucker who said ( paraphrasing from this classic article on managing oneself ) if you reach a point in your career where you think you won 't progress any further , then start focusing on the next part of your life .
Always use quotation marks around exact quotes , whether they originate from interviews or written statements , and cite the original source . Even when paraphrasing ( changing a few words but keeping the overall sentence structure or rearranging the sentence ) , always tell readers the source of the information .
The understanding and paraphrasing of quasi-professional terms are crucial and difficult in the translation of french bidding documents of international projects .
As the entry succinctly puts it , paraphrasing businessweek 's arik hesseldahl ( now at allthingsd ) : " apple 's business philosophy is to acquire small companies that can be easily integrated into existing company projects . "
Paraphrasing cleckley , dutton describes this enigmatic character as " an intelligent person , characterized by a poverty of emotions , the absence of shame , egocentricity , superficial charm , lack of guilt , lack of anxiety , immunity to punishment , unpredictability , irresponsibility , manipulativeness , and a transient interpersonal lifestyle . "
If you want to show that you have really understood someone , then paraphrasing a great tool .
So when I say that you 're an idiot I 'm only paraphrasing what you 've told yourself .