Banks are also closely monitoring their funding positions , alert to the possibility that panicky depositors will start yanking funds from lenders connected to the euro-zone crisis , industry officials say .
Later banks joined with their money market competitors to create a vast uninsured and unregulated funding system that fuelled an explosion of dodgy lending and made banks vulnerable to the sort of panicky withdrawals that the 1933 rules ought to have ended .
Regulations forced banks to disclose the holes in their balance sheets , disclosures that set off a panicky seizure in the credit markets on which western banks rely heavily for day-to-day financing and turned into a liquidity problem .
A business consultant in shanghai said : " the goods need to be on a ship by early october if they are going to be in the shops for christmas , so a lot of companies are getting panicky that they will not have time to complete the orders . "
Nine years later , we still have never been given a true accounting of what actually took place on that day or why the bush administration , in clear contrast to the impression it later tried to create , took so many panicky , counterproductive measures in the immediate aftermath of the attacks .