Such handled food makes me long for a packet of cheese and onion hula hoops .
If you like , add a dash of low fat milk and a single packet of sugar .
The packet type is determined by the type code in the header and the currently selected packet type table ( as selected by the lmp_packet_type_table_req message ) .
Following this encrypted packet across the net , villeneuve uncovered a directory of files on an open web server .
Every digitized packet of online data is deconstructed , examined for keywords and reconstructed within milliseconds .
The carbon trust reckons that about 1 per cent of the climate impact of a packet of crisps is from moving potatoes around .
When a dozen customers are jostling at the till trying to buy the same packet of cornflakes it probably means the price is too low .
Normally a router checks the address on any data packet it receives and sends it on according to predefined rules held in a set of tables .
Salem has just shown me a neatly wrapped packet of tinfoil which contains the powder which they call brown sugar .
Each data packet is transmitted on a different frequency channel , following a pseudo-random hopping sequence determined by the device address of the master device .