

v.在(土地等)上实行过度放牧,过度放牧( overgraze的现在分词 )

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To him , the marginal utility of adding one more animal always seems positive , since he receives all the sale proceeds or other benefits from the animal , while most of the added costs of overgrazing are borne by other herdsmen .
At the same time , overgrazing results in great loss of pasture area and partial pasture desertification , and this directly affects output of cattle breeding .
Degeneration or soil erosion occurs as a result of overgrazing , users of the grasslands shall be required to reduce grazing and resow forage grass so as to restore vegetation .
Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes : over cultivation , overgrazing , firewood gathering , and over irrigation .
The dramatic decline in rainfall over the sahel a horizontal sub-saharan strip that stretches from senegal to eritrea during the 1970s and 1980s has been commonly ascribed to overgrazing .
Most of the storms are also linked to droughts , but are believed to have been exacerbated by deforestation , overgrazing of pastures and climate change .
Even if the great green wall survives , the land to the south of it can still turn to desert from drought or overgrazing .
Most dust storms are linked to long droughts , exacerbated by human activities like overgrazing and deforestation
Overgrazing of meadows ( especially by sheep ) , logging of giant sequoia , and other damage caused muir to become an advocate for further protection .
Population growth , deforestation , overgrazing , poaching , the wildlife trade , mining , pollution , and hydropower development have all contributed to the pressures on the fragile ecosystems in the region , the report says .