
v.使感光过度( overexpose的过去式和过去分词 )
overexposed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I read and write and drink coffee in that ( overexposed ) green chair .
- 我就在绿沙发(曝光过度了)上看书、写作、喝咖啡。
- Half the photos were overexposed .
- 有一半照片都曝光过度了。
- He 's also been way overexposed .
- 他也被过度曝光的方式。
- Experts on sexual dysfunction are seeing an epidemic today of healthy young men who cannot perform easily with their partners because they have been overexposed to pornography .
- 性功能障碍专家现在遇到一种流行病,健康年轻男子无法轻松的和他们的伴侣进行性行为,原因是他们过度沉迷于色情。
- They rightly see it as a race between them getting their derivative exposure straight , and owing billions on defaulting companies to which they are overexposed because of ill-hedged swaps .
- 正确的方法是他们将它看成一场竞争,要么自己直接将衍生产品曝光,要么因过度进行不利对冲交易而拖欠公司几十亿。
- Many investors were left overexposed .
- 许多投资者的风险敞口因此变得过大。
- They are tired of the whingeing of overpaid financiers , especially foreign ones , and believe the economy has become overexposed to the banking industry .
- 他们已经厌倦了薪酬过高的金融家特别是外国金融家的抱怨,认为经济过度受制于银行业。
- The most recent example of markets going wrong was the american housing boom which prompted both ordinary homebuyers and financial institutions to become overexposed to property prices .
- 最近的一个市场失灵的例子是美国房地产市场泡沫,使得普通的房屋购买者和金融机构承担了过多的房地产价格风险。
- In middle age , he is overexposed in a desperate attempt to enjoy the high returns on stocks .
- 中年时,由于渴求股票投资的高收益,他会承担过多的风险。
- Due to the great dynamic range of the eclipsed sun and its extended corona , a single image can 't capture the corona in its entirety . Some portions of the image would be underexposed while others greatly overexposed .
- 由于因日蚀而暗淡的太阳和其延伸日冕有着巨大的动态范围,要用一张单独的照片是全面地反映日冕是不可能的,照片的一些部分将会明显地曝光不足,而另一些部分会曝光过度。