

outsized 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Risk management systems and the models at their core were supposed to guard against outsized losses .
- 风险管理体系以及作为其核心的模型按理说应该可以防范此类特大损失。
- Now a third stage is at hand , one of dangerously outsized expectations .
- 如今第三阶段就在眼前,一项危险的过高期望。
- Still , there have been some outsized exceptions over the last two years .
- 不过,在过去两年也出现过例外,有些投资具有很大规模。
- Reckless endangerment : how outsized ambition , greed , and corruption led to economic armageddon .
- 鲁莽濒危:如何丰厚的野心,贪婪和腐败导致经济大决战。
- He says a ceo 's outsized ego is often responsible for that mistake .
- 他声称这种失误的责任常常在于ceo们过分的自私自利。
- He has a liking for baggy suits and outsized sunglasses .
- 他喜欢宽松下垂的衣服和超大型太阳镜。
- The name came from those two outsized breasts .
- “白面口袋”这个外号来自她那两个大奶。
- When it comes to seeking outsized returns , " stripping " has been a lucrative venture so far this year .
- 提到寻求超常收益,“本息分离”(stripping)是今年迄今为止一项有利可图的风险投资。
- Outsized pay will surely live on for some -- in sports , in entertainment and on wall street .
- 一些人肯定还会继续享受超高收入,比如说体育和娱乐明星以及华尔街的一部分人士。
- Throughout the history of the technology industry , one co-founder often plays an outsized role in the success of their companies .
- 纵观科技产业的全部历史,那些取得成功的公司往往会拥有一个贡献尤其突出的联合创始人。