
v.放逐( ostracize的过去式和过去分词 );流放;摈弃;排斥
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- But among those who 'd eaten the raisin first , it didn 't matter whether they 'd been ostracized or embraced .
- 但是在那些先吃了葡萄干的人中间,他们是受到排斥或受到欢迎都没关系。
- Under this pretense , they asked them to write short essays about a time in their lives when they had ostracized someone ; this memory of being unkind was intended to prime their personal sense of immorality-and make them feel guilty .
- 在这个幌子下,他们要求这群人写一次他们生活中排斥某人的经历;这种不友好的记忆使得他们有不道德的感受-----并且让他们感到内疚。
- Few of us were ever given a genuine reason for why we shouldwantto do " the right thing , " without the implicit threat of being punished or ostracized for not doing it .
- 很少人给我们一个真正的理由,告诉我们为什么在没有被惩罚亦或不被排斥做这些的潜在风险下,我们应该想要去做“正确的事情”。
- In the netherlands , a turkish-born islamist , haci karacaer , tried to build bridges with the leftists ( and gay-rights advocates ) of the dutch labor party , only to be ostracized by fellow muslims .
- 在荷兰,土耳其裔伊斯兰活动家哈希-卡拉彻(hacikaracaer)因为试图同荷兰工党的左派(及同性恋权利拥护者)建立联系纽带而遭到穆斯林同僚的排斥。
- During their work at goldman sachs , they say , the women received unwelcome sexual advances , they were ostracized , overheard inappropriate sexual banter , were not invited to male outings , and were passed up for promotions and bonuses that their male equals received .
- 她们称,在高盛集团工作期间,女性被公司排斥,有时会受到性骚扰,无意间听到过分的性玩笑,没有升职机会,男同事出去玩不会邀请她们,也得不到与她们同等职位的男性同事拿到的奖金。
- To be integrated into the community without fear of being ostracized .
- 没有恐惧、不受排斥地融入社会。
- But the doors were firmly shut ; those who requested permission to leave were refused and then ostracized .
- 可是,出逃的大门紧闭着,那些申请过移民的人都被拒绝了,随后遭到了流放。
- President barack obama was ostracized as a " european socialist " when he brought up the idea of higher taxes on the rich .
- 巴拉克奥巴马总统被排斥为“欧洲的社会主义者”当他提出对富人征收更高的税时。
- The first case concerned a norwegian woman in 1941 , who developed a strong german accent and was ostracized from her community .
- 1941年,第一宗病例发生在挪威的一名妇女身上,她患上了一口重重的德国口音并因此受到邻里的排斥。