on the stage是什么意思,on the stage的意思是
on the stage基本解释
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- When studying the lines at home move as you would on the stage .
- 当你在家记台词时,要和你在台上表演时一样的动起来。
- Then someone appeared on the stage .
- 接着舞台上出现了一个人。
- You should applaud warmly while the performers bow on the stage .
- 当演员在舞台上谢幕时,你得热情鼓掌。
- My aunt mabel went on the stage .
- 梅布尔姨妈当了演员。
- Superstitions : ghosts haunt theaters and should be given one night a week alone on the stage .
- 迷信:鬼魂出没于剧院,应该给他们每周留一晚的时间单独上台。
- And an uzi and tommy gun had been mounted on a flowered trellis on the stage .
- 舞台中央的花门上悬挂着一把乌兹冲锋枪和一把汤米冲锋枪。
- I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel on the stage to get her diploma .
- 我看着她完美的身材,就像天使一样翩然走上舞台,领取她的文凭。
- At noon I was introduced on the stage by our state treasurer jimmie lou fisher who had been with me since 1978 .
- 当天中午,从1978年便与我共事的阿肯色州财政部长吉米,卢.费希尔介绍我登上了舞台。
- On the stage the diverse leaders of russia 's political opposition gave fiery speeches .
- 在台上,俄罗斯政治反对阵营的各个领导人作出激烈的演讲。
- Rfid readers mounted throughout the venue can determine the angle and distance from a specific tag and map individual performers to a virtual grid of spaces on the stage .
- 整个场地中挂在的rfid读取机可以测定与特定标签的角度和距离,并将每个表演者对应定位到舞台的某个虚拟网格空间中。