on the beach是什么意思,on the beach的意思是
on the beach基本解释
在海滩上;上岸;失业; 处于困境
1. 在沙滩上
2. 海滩风光
3. 潦倒的
4. 穷困潦倒
5. 失业的
6. 退休的
on the beach的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On the beach or on my walks I like to travel light .
- 在海滩上或在我徒步的过程中我喜欢轻装旅行。
- I took a photo on the beach and it geotagged me with almost the exact location .
- 我在海滩拍了个照片,它也精确地记录了当时的位置信息。
- When I visited the island in the mid-1980s locals remarked on the tourists who were drunk on the beach .
- 上世纪80年代中期我来到该岛时,当地人在讨论海滩上喝醉的游客。
- She sees a hot day on the beach as a glory ; I see it as a kind of open-air microwave .
- 她把在海滩上享受炙热的一天当做恩赐;我却把它当成一种露天微波炉。
- Or you 're sitting on the beach with your spouse as an attractive member of the opposite sex walks by .
- 或者当你和你的伴侣坐在海滩上,一个很吸引人的异性走过。
- I chuck them back on the beach .
- 我把石头扔回到海滩上。
- On the beach there is a jagged layer of thawing permafrost .
- 海滩上,有一个不规则的正在融化的永久冻土层。
- How could this happen in the land of topless carnival dancers and buttocks swaying on the beach ?
- 这件事情为何会发生狂欢节充斥着上空的桑巴舞者,以及海滩上充斥着摇晃臀部的国家呢?
- Only one person on the beach that morning showed the slightest interest in the six-year-old boy 's progress .
- 那天早上,海滩上只有一个人对这个六岁男孩的举动产生了些许兴趣。
- Now jack 's dying on the beach .
- 现在jack躺在沙滩上就要死了。