A string specifying the version number or copyright notice to be embedded in an . Obj file .
The compiler does not insert this information into . Obj files subsequently created from the . Pch file ; it inserts cross-references to the information .
The compiler embeds the name of the pdb in each . Obj file created using this option , pointing the debugger to the location of symbolic and line-number information .
In this case the linker fails , reporting only the symbol name and the name of the second obj file where the type was defined .
In most cases , you will need to pass to the linker the . Obj file from the compilation that created the . Net module .
Amy painted pictures and looked at the many lovely obj ects in the house .
Obj ects will expand when the temperature is increased .
Voice : did aristotle think purpose was the only thing a person needs to know about an obj ect ?
A sales contract refers to a contract whereby the seller transfers the ownership of an obj ect to the buyer and the buyer pays the price for the obj ect .
Secondly , it was shown in the continuous deepening of ideological emancipation , im - provement of awareness level , and more and more rational and obj ective evaluation for a series of historical issues as im - perial power politics , peasant war .