They tend to apocalyptic gloom , from the iowa county party chairman encountered on november 5th who predicted rioting in the streets if mr obama were re-elected , to the numberless activists with theories about the president 's socialist leanings or america 's imminent bankruptcy .
Now though domestic video website is not numberless as the sand , but also saying to go up is numerous , how don 't have even a homebred film ?
Memories flash in my mind , as if it was washed , and nameless and numberless images come up vividly .
Numberless stars , bacteria , grains of sand .
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers .
Numberless experiments having been conducted by scientists indicate that praising is more effective than criticism in the aspect of improving human 's behavior .
Let this development precede , and contributions , numberless , and of inestimable value , will be sure to follow .
It has resolved personal worth into exchange value , and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms , has set up that single , unconscionable freedom -- free trade .
I saw that in the ocean of pure awareness , on the surface of the universal consciousness , the numberless waves of the phenomenal worlds arise and subside beginninglessly and endlessly .