Responding to european pressure , mr. obama has ratcheted up his push to tighten regulation of u. markets , specifically seeking more power to seize control and break up nonbank financial institutions such as aig .
Widespread outrage over retention bonuses paid by american international group fast-tracking plans to give government officials the power to seize nonbank companies and freeze contracts at those firms .
Guarantor typically guarantees a loan or a line of credit from a local bank to a nonbank microfinance institution .
Dodd-frank provides for more stringent prudential standards for these major bank and nonbank firms .
It would likely require at least periodic surveillance and information-gathering from a wide range of nonbank institutions .
As I have suggested on other occasions , the congress may wish to consider whether such a framework should be set up for a defined set of nonbank institutions .
But if we don 't also protect consumers from predatory lending , there are plenty of smaller players - both small banks and the nonbank " mortgage originators " responsible for many of the worst subprime abuses - that will step in and fill the gap .
And the recent u.s. experience has also illustrated that financial safety nets and crisis management frameworks may need to be cast wider , to take into account the growing systemic importance of nonbank financial institutions .
The problem is , banks and other nonbank financial institutions sitting on yuan still are limited in what they can do to make a product interesting enough to attract investors .
Regulators have yet to designate which nonbank financial firms pose risk to the system and are in need of heightened scrutiny .