He was nineteen , two years younger than the officer .
The girl was nineteen , teacher fei learned from the article .
Nineteen of the critically endangered animals were moved from the eastern cape to a new location in limpopo province .
Nineteen adults learned to match those names and shades in 5 sessions over 3 days , a total of an hour and 48 minutes .
They are being honored for their work in the nineteen eighties about the health of cells and the aging process .
It is nineteen years since I have slept in a bed ! You actually do not want me to go !
He would lose only five hours anyway , and then the jangling bell would jerk him out of unconsciousness and he would have before him another glorious day of nineteen hours .
Nineteen years and several billion cellphone users later , if reynard were to reappear in court , what would we now know about a possible link between cellphones and her cancer ?
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don 't do one productive thing , you will turn twenty years old .
And to confuse the issue even more , a meta-analysis which pooled the results of nineteen studies conducted in asian and pacific regions found a relationship between increased weight and missing breakfast .