Nabil 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Nabil : how do you define confidence ?
- 奈比尔:你怎样定义自信这个词?
- Nabil : how do you define attraction and what should men do to build more attraction ?
- 奈比尔:你是如何定义吸引力,为了打造吸引力,男人应该做些什么呢?
- Nabil : what advice would you give men on how to attract the right women in their life ?
- 奈比尔:有什么意见可以告诉男人如何吸引到合适的女人吗?
- Last year , deal journal went to hear nabil fahmy , the egyptian ambassador to the u. s. , speak to a group of lawyers about doing business in the middle east .
- 去年,本专栏的记者曾去听埃及驻美大使纳比尔法米(nabilfahmy)就在中东经商问题向一批律师发表的演讲。
- Nabil : wow arkady you gave some very helpful tips during our conversation .
- 奈比尔:哇,在这次交谈中,阿卡迪给了很多有用的提示。
- He added that he and nabil elaraby , the secretary general of the arab league , were in discussions about appointing a successor .
- 他补充说,他与阿盟秘书长纳比勒阿拉比(nabilelaraby)正就任命一名继任者进行讨论。
- Nabil : what are a few things that cause you to lose attraction in a man over a period of time ?
- 纳比勒:与一个男人在一起一段时间会觉得厌倦,是什么导致了这种厌倦感?
- Turkey 's foreign minister , ahmet davutoglu , burst into tears at gaza 's main hospital on november 20th during a joint visit alongside the arab league 's chief , nabil al-arabi .
- 土耳其外长哈迈德达武特奥卢,在11月20日与阿拉伯联盟秘书长纳比勒阿拉比共同访问加沙主要医院时,情不自禁地留下了泪水。
- Nabil : on a scale from 1 to 10 ( 1 being the lowest ) how well do you think men are at listening or trying to understand women ?
- 纳比勒:如果有从1到10共10个分值(1最低)可供选择,你认为男人在倾听或理解女人方面做得怎么样?
- When nabil nasser applied for insead 's one year mba programme in mid-2007 , the prospects for the global economy and in particular the financial sector were far brighter than they are today .
- 当纳比勒纳塞尔(nabilnasser)在去年年中申请欧洲工商管理学院(insead)一年期mba课程时,全球经济的前景,尤其是金融业,要比现在光明许多。