
musings 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some of their musings are more insightful than others .
- 他们有些想法比其他人更有洞察力。
- Many celebrities have embraced twitter as a way of communicating day-to-day musings as well promotional material with fans .
- 许多名人都很喜欢用twitter,将其视为和歌迷交流每日心得和发布宣传材料的途径。
- A collection of musings based on observations from public filings rather than an extensive , tire-kicking investigation , the letter still managed to send the stock down more than 30 % .
- 那封信是根据公开备案文件而非详尽实地调查得出一系列结论的,但它仍然造成该公司股价下跌30%有余。
- Feeling marginalized , mr. sihanouk looked for other outlets to express himself , including regular bulletins and blog posts for diplomats and journalists filled with recipes , musings on cambodian politics and graphic details about his various ailments , from diabetes to cancer .
- 觉得自己被边缘化的西哈努克寻求从其他途径发出声音,包括针对外交人员和新闻记者的定期新闻简报和博客文章,内容有食谱、关于柬埔寨政治的思考以及自己从糖尿病到癌症的各种病痛的细节。