n.自治市,自治区,自治市或区的政府当局( municipality的名词复数 )
municipalities 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These financing vehicles allow municipalities to circumvent central-government restrictions on direct borrowing .
- 这种金融载体可以使得各地市绕过中央政府的限制而取得直接贷款。
- The challenge is especially difficult for the 11 municipalities located inside the nuclear evacuation zone .
- 对位于核疏散区内的11个市镇来说,挑战尤其艰巨。
- Local municipalities are forced to dig mass graves as a temporary solution .
- 当地市政当局被迫挖掘集体墓葬作为一个临时解决方案。
- Many municipalities face huge unfunded pension liabilities .
- 许多市政当局面临着巨大的无备资养老金债务。
- Only two women have been appointed governor of any of china 's 31 provinces and four biggest municipalities since the founding of the people 's republic in 1949 ; none are now serving .
- 自从1949年中华人民共和国成立以来,在所有31个省区和4大直辖市中只有两名女性曾经被任命为省长,而且现在并没有在任的。
- Although best known for his anti-corruption campaigning and his nationalism , mr navalny 's central idea is the devolution of power to the regions and municipalities .
- 虽然最出名的是他的反腐败行动和他的民族主义,纳瓦林的核心思想是将政府的权力转交到各地区和直辖市。
- Municipalities typically sign up because they are strapped for cash .
- 自治区通常签订这些合同是因为这样可以获得更多的现金。
- That might change as the poor health of various states and municipalities comes under scrutiny .
- 随着多家州政府和地方政府的羸弱财政受到关注,这种情况或许会发生改变。
- To sidestep that prohibition , municipalities across the country have created off-the-books entities to do the borrowing .
- 为了规避这个禁令,全国的市级政府设立了许多体制外的实体去借款。
- That will send word to local municipalities , which will alert residents by radio or loudspeaker .
- 该系统将向地方各市发出消息,各市通过电台和喇叭向居民发出预警。