The reason private schools have multiplied so fast is that the state-run ones are rotten .
The check-out clerk says that he multiplied the costs of the items and obtained exactly 7.11 , the very name of the store !
The french international school is bursting . French-run restaurants have multiplied .
Food that should be eaten in moderation - if at all - have multiplied on supermarket shelves .
Nato has not protected civilians in libya it has multiplied the number of their deaths , while losing not a single soldier of its own .
The judicial investigations into his affairs had multiplied and the conflicts of interest were still unresolved .
With the approach of spring , clinton 's economic problems multiplied even as his attempts to avoid foreign entanglements failed .
The officials would have multiplied at the same rate had there been no actual seamen at all .
Today , with more young professionals looking for places to unwind in a city of nearly 17 million , the nightlife options have not only multiplied , they 've become more informal .