

modernisation 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He said that the government had a clear agenda for modernisation up to 2020 .
- 他说政府有一份明确的到2020年的现代化日程。
- The debate has mostly been over modernisation and global integration versus cultural integrity .
- 辩论主要围绕的是现代化和全球一体化与文化的完整性。
- Mr medvedev calls for innovation and technical modernisation to revive growth .
- 梅德韦杰夫先生呼吁通过创新和技术现代化来复苏经济增长。
- But modernisation has outstripped democratisation .
- 但是现代化已经超越了民主化进程。
- Some said religion clashes with the secular goals of modernisation .
- 一些人士还说宗教与现代化建设的长期目标背道而驰。
- The present marcus wallenberg is driving the latest modernisation .
- 现在这位马库斯瓦伦堡正在引领最新的现代化。
- Talk of modernisation has not removed basic disagreements .
- 现代化并不能解决其根本的意见分歧。
- Iranians did not take kindly to this force-fed modernisation .
- 伊朗人对这一充满强迫的现代化并不买账。
- Compliance with thousands of pages of eu legislation is a textbook for modernisation .
- 欧盟立法机构那成千成万页上列出的要求就是实现现代化的教科书。
- Mr gaidar argued that modernisation was impossible without political liberalisation .
- 盖达尔坚持认为,只有在政治自由的条件下才能实现现代化。