I am convinced this is a misguided strategy - not only because of the uncertainty about the dangers that global warming might pose , but also because of the certainty of the damage that policies aimed at mitigation will cause .
But he said india could " modulate " its rejection of international scrutiny of its domestic mitigation efforts not supported by international finance or technology .
' Mitigation of the problem lies much more in getting rid of old vehicles and improving traffic flow , ' said janet lewis , an analyst at macquarie securities .
When huawei was asked about its willingness to enter a mitigation agreement , it said it was " open to exploring options to address concerns " of the us government .
Perhaps leaders are ignorant of or simply do not believe the weight of scientific evidence against the dams : for instance , experts concur that the mitigation techniques advertised as saving migratory fish , such as ladders , lifts and bypasses , are ineffective .
Mitigation agreements negotiated by cfius with other non-us companies , including alcatel lucent , include rules on employee screening and third-party audits .
But whereas investments in mitigation are fairly easy to understand-build windmills not coal-fired power stations , and so on-those in adaptation are harder to grasp .
It also found that some of the mitigation strategies initially considered , such as joint purchasing agreements and letting the pc company keep the h-p brand , weren 't viable , she said .