
missionaries 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- South korean missionaries are famed for braving trouble spots and two were executed in afghanistan in 2007 .
- 韩国传教士以勇于深入动荡地区而闻名,2007年就曾有两人在阿富汗被处死。
- During this process , the roles and its effects missionaries played can 't be neglected .
- 而在这一过程中,传教士所扮演的角色及其发挥的作用是不容忽视的。
- In researching the story , we sought help from several activists and missionaries who operate in the region .
- 在调查的时候,从当地的一些积极活动者和传教士哪里我们得到了一些帮助。
- Foreign missionaries also established the city 's first modern school and hospital , which are both in working order today .
- 外国传教士在芜湖建立了该市第一所现代化的学校和医院,时至今日还在正常运转。
- Researchers collected more than 480 reports from missionaries , plantation doctors , explorers and anthropologists .
- 研究人员收集了来自传教士、农场医生、探险家以及人类学家的480多份报告、报道。
- Long before the colonial era , christian missionaries wanted to bring people worldwide to their view of the one true universal faith .
- 远在殖民统治时代之前,基督教传教士就希望带给全世界的人们一个真正的普世信仰观。
- North korea generally discourages religious practice and its media routinely criticize the role that missionaries played in the region a century ago .
- 通常来说,朝鲜不鼓励宗教活动,朝鲜国内媒体也经常批评一个世纪前传教士在该地区发挥的作用。
- Buck 's father was one of the first five missionaries to buy building plots from little and put up stone shacks with tarpaulin roofs .
- 赛珍珠的父亲是最早从李德立手中购买建筑用地的5位传教士之一,并在石头小屋上安装了防雨顶棚。
- His band of missionaries rented a house in recife that was next to a slum and started trying to convert the people who lived there .
- 他们那群传教士们在累西腓紧挨着贫民窟的地方租下一座房子,并开始试图向住在那里的人传教。
- A rising star among climatologists , hayhoe , the daughter of missionaries , is also an evangelical christian .
- 海赫,气候学家中一名崛起的明星,百万富翁的女儿,她也是一名基督教传教士。