Following his arrest in april 2000 , mafiaboy initially pleaded not guilty to charges of " mischief to data , " then caved and ended up copping to 55 of 65 counts against him .
Such mischief is particularly outrageous given that mr prodi , a former president of the european commission , used to be a stern critic of economic nationalism .
Seismologists and volcanologists are watching and listening for land deformations and plate movement that could signify the geological dynamic duo of earthquakes and volcanoes are combining to cause tectonic mischief .
But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day .
But mr. grogan describes even his dog 's decline in terms of mischief .
Needless to say , it is the unchecked and overinflated government that is causing the mischief .
Hanuman langurs are trained in new delhi to scare off aggressive rhesus monkeys and other wild animals that might roam into public spaces and cause mischief .