mili 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Soldiers have fought their way into the presidential palace and taken the head of state , mamadou tandja , to a mili .
- 士兵冲入总统府,擒获国家元首马马杜坦贾,将其关押在一座军营。
- Gjon mili , born in 1904 in albany , arrived in united states in 1923 .
- gjonmili,1904年出生在albany,1923年来到美国。
- Mili de is said and when he was close to president ben ali of tunisia .
- 米利德据说与时任突尼斯总统本阿里关系密切。
- To achieve these ends , the united states has developed a national strategy that combines political , economic and mili tary elements .
- 为了达到这些目标,美国制定了一个综合政治、经济和军事诸因素在一起的国家战略。
- When mili showed him some of his photographs of light patterns formed by skaters , picasso reacted instantly , drawing in the air successive images with his own finger .
- 当mili向他展示了一些滑冰者运动时制造的光的形状的摄影作品时,毕加索立即行动起来,他用自己的手指在空中画出连续的图形。