
middlemen 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ubs tried to enlist employees at six brokerage firms to act as middlemen to coordinate the submissions of libor data across multiple banks .
- 瑞银曾试图聘请六家经纪公司的员工担任中间人,协调多家银行的libor数据提交事宜。
- Middlemen were regarded as bad in japan , but they were somehow overlooked in america 's financial world .
- 在日本,中间商被视为罪恶,而在美国的金融界,却不知为何被忽视了。
- Facing an outcry from investors , the sec has begun investigating these companies as well as the network of us auditors and middlemen who marketed them to the public .
- 面对来自投资者的强烈抗议,美国证交会已对这些公司以及将它们推销给公众的美国审计师和中介网络展开调查。
- But that generally has been through middlemen who offer an array of brands , many of them out-of-season , rather than directly from the labels .
- 但它们通常是通过中间商而不是直接来自相关品牌,而且中间商提供的款式很多都已过季。
- However , amid all that debate about american efficiency , one point that western commentators almost never discussed was the proliferation of middlemen in america 's financial world .
- 然而,在一切关于美国效率的争论中,有一点是西方的评论人士几乎从未涉及到的,那就是美国金融界中间商泛滥的现象。
- Back then , I was working in tokyo as a reporter . So I dutifully reported those studies-cum-sermons on the evils of middlemen .
- 当时我是驻东京的记者,因此我尽职尽责地报道了这些有关中间商之罪行的研究兼训诫。
- Some of the transactions would effectively cut out the wall street dealers that have long acted as middlemen in the credit markets .
- 其中一些交易实际上将绕过一直以来作为信贷市场中间人的华尔街券商。
- As in tin pan alley , a mercenary world of gimmickry and ' hit-making ' middlemen promise to push an app onto these charts .
- 和叮砰巷一样,在这个唯利是图、充满噱头花招的世界,“打造热销产品”的中间人会承诺让某个应用程序进入这类榜单。
- Japanese game makers argue that platforms can help them keep existing players to stick around longer and attract new users more cheaply than other marketing techniques , such as paying middlemen for downloads .
- 日本游戏厂商认为,平台能够帮助他们提高现有玩家的粘性,同时以比其它营销手段(比如向中间商付费以提振下载量)更低廉的成本吸引新的用户。
- If you were to sketch a map of how credit has been sliced and diced in 21st century banking , there would be so many stages and commission - hungry middlemen in that process , that the japanese dairy industry might seem positively rational .
- 如果你想绘制一幅地图,来说明在21世纪的银行业,信贷是如何被分解的,你会发现这个过程中的阶段如此繁杂、对佣金垂涎欲滴的中间商如此之多,以至于日本的乳业可能显得相当理性。