She proceeds to bob head up and down , moving the 1 / 8 portion in and out like a trashy metronome .
This may be indicated numerically by the number of beats in a second , measured mechanically by a metronome or other such device .
The metronome ticked on slowly .
intelligent electronic Kanban , intelligent metronome , barcode traps , poor quality controller , the fault-bit key box and its family of products ;
The metronome is for setting the tempo and for checking your accuracy . It is not a substitute for your own internal timing .
Each person chewed the vegetable ten times to the tick of a metronome ; then they spat and cleaned their mouth with water and crackers .
If you can play along with a metronome , even if its only a simple beat , that will get you farther than you can imagine .
Indeed , when the lights went out , the larvae continued to flap their tails to the same rhythm with astonishing precision , much like a metronome .
The article introduced the principle and apply of the transistor avalanche through four example of transistor oscillator 、 avalanche oscillator 、 audio signal generator 、 flash metronome .