

metre 米,公尺,格律
metre 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Pastries are presented in a nine metre long display case , cantilevered at one end .
- 点心被摆放在一个9米长的台子上,台子末端是悬挑的。
- Labour is cheap and plentiful ; offices can be rented from $ 8 a square metre per month .
- 劳动力便宜而且充足;办公楼从8美元每月每平方米的地方租到。
- Outside , my father fenced off a 6 sq metre garden ; he liked planting things .
- 在外面,我父亲用栅栏围起6平方米的花园,他喜欢在里面种些东西。
- The female worm grows up to a metre long and breaks painfully through the skin , releasing eggs into water once more .
- 雌性虫能够长到1米长并能令人痛苦地穿透人体皮肤,再一次进入水中产卵。
- The excavations sampled three sites across a large expanse that was covered with about a metre of ash .
- 发掘工作在很大范围内的3个地点进行了采样,而这片区域都被一米左右的火山灰所覆盖。
- The whole family with friends constructed a 15 sq metre house with two sloping roofs and only one room .
- 全家人和一些朋友建造了一个15平方米的房子,有个屋顶,一个房间。
- A three and a half metre shark that was almost bitten in half by a large great white shark in brisbane , australia .
- 澳大利亚布里斯班的一只长达3.5米的鲨鱼几乎被另一只更大的大白鲨咬成了两半。
- Inspired by this designers say their 10000 square metre project will use a similar idea , which they have already tested successfully .
- 设计者由此受到启发,并将相似的设计理念贯穿到整个10000平方米的工程中,这种设计理念已经试验成功。
- The country 's financial capital of mumbai was thrown into chaos in july 2005 when nearly a metre of rain fell in a single day .
- 2005年7月,仅仅一天的时间孟买就有将近一米的降雨量,这座印度的金融中心遂即陷入混乱。
- The design 's introduction on chips with circuit widths of 22 billionths of a metre will go into mass production later this year .
- 英特尔将在今年晚些时候将这种电路宽度仅为22纳米(1纳米等于十亿分之一米)的芯片设计投入量产。