meeds 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Navies were the highest in health services meeds and utilization , armies were higher , air forces were the lowest .
- 军队人员卫生服务需要与利用量海军最高,陆军居中,空军最低。
- 【 Objective 】 To study the application of Topsis method in the evaluation of health services meeds and utilization in military members .
- 【目的】探讨TOPSIS方法在军队人员卫生服务需要与利用量评价中的应用效果。
- She meeds more experience .
- 她需要更多的经验。
- As considered from environment protection , the liquid-solid phase mixtures of water , ash and tar produced in the process of coal gas production meeds to be separately processed .
- 从保护环境的角度考虑,需对煤气站生产过程中产生的含水、灰渣和焦油的液固相混合物进行分离处理。
- The results show sensitivity of the sample is 16 ~ 25 mV / g_n and linearity is 0.1 % ~ 0.5 % . It can meet the meeds of technology .
- 实际结果表明:样品的灵敏度为16~25mV/gn,非线性为0.1%~0.5%,满足技术要求。
- A conception of two piped circulation was advanced for ecological saving water . This conception was based on that using water is still adoped the single drinking water standard nowaday in China , and the urban sewage meeds to be ecologically reused .
- 本文就我国目前城市用水仍采用单一的饮用水标准这一问题以及城市污水生态再利用问题提出了双管分流循环生态节水构想。
- The combination of goal teaching with nursing theory as a whole in the experimental lessons helped the teachers play a leading role in teaching , improve the students\'com munication ability and establish the thought of nursing as a whole in order to meet the meeds of modern nursing .
- 认为目标教学法与整体护理理论相结合应用到实验课中,能发挥教师在教与学中的主导作用,有利于提高学生的沟通能力,建立整体护理观念,[1]适应现代护理模式的人才需要。
- Because image noise , automatic detection method for change information and image segmentation weaken the precision of land use dynamic monitoring , today , onthe basis of automatically detecting change information of land use , change information is extracted interactively by hand , but this method can ’ t meet the meeds of the efficiency for large regions .
- 由于影像噪声、变化信息自动发现方法、图像分割等因素对土地利用动态监测精度有较大影响,当前的动态监测是在变化信息自动发现的基础上,用手工交互式提取变化信息,但该方法不能满足大区域动态监测所需的效率。
- This paper , based on the survey of college students \' amateur physical training , makes a sociological analysis of its motivation and characteristics . It intends to offer suggestions and countermeasures so as to meet the meeds of the development of tourism industry , break up the traditional model of the teaching of physical training and carry out the reform .
- 本文通过对旅游院校大学生业余体育锻炼的调查,对其动机、特征进行了社会学分析,为进一步达到旅游教育的应用性特点,适应旅游业发展的需求,打破传统的体育教学模式,进行深刻的体育教学改革提出建议与对策[1]。
- His salary is insufficient to meet his meeds .
- 他的薪水不够应付需要。