Making good economic policy isn 't at all like maximizing corporate profits .
Many buyers fail to consider such minor hassles , and maximizing happiness depends greatly on stringing together fewer minor hassles and more tiny joys .
Mr. hart says that for the seed industry , concerns about intellectual property protection are key to maximizing benefits of the china relationship .
Instead , maximizing sleep overnight seems to have the strongest effect on encoding new information .
It seems more important to punish those involved in the changing market , rather than focus on maximizing profit .
Specifically , it did the followings to maximizing a different set of values .
The government is maximizing educational opportunities .
Ambiguity , deception , secrecy and other methods are all tools for maximizing advantageous circumstances .
Maximizing your brain power and doing something challenging will help you to have a more confident outlook on life .
In fact , mathematical economy tries to find its justification in natural sciences , but it is not true in social science . At least , some of its preconditions are wrong , such as the maximizing choice as norm of behavior , the rational individual and efficiency .