
mating 交配
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- The discovery also reveals how male squid compete for female mating partners .
- 这一发现也揭示了雄性乌贼如何争夺交配伴侣的。
- The researchers are now interested in whether piranhas vocalize during mating .
- 研究人员现在研究,食人鱼在交配时是否发声。
- One possibility is that lefty snails have difficulty mating with their right-handed relations .
- 有一种可能性是左撇子蜗牛难跟右撇子的同类交配。
- Despite their reputation , female black widows rarely eat the males after mating .
- 尽管名声如此,雌性黑寡妇很少在交配后将配偶吃掉。
- The sky and people ( as a mating ritual ) are bioluminescent .
- 天空和人(作为交配的仪式)发出生物光。
- When mating , adult zebras use stripes to recognize members of their own species .
- 在交配时,成年斑马则可以通过斑纹来识别自己的同类。
- A trait is sexually selected if it evolved specifically to enhance mating success .
- 如果一种特质进化成特别有助于交配成功,那么这种特质就是经过性选择的。
- Male crickets who guarded their mates against predators gained mating opportunities and offspring .
- 雄性蟋蟀保护其配偶不受掠食者的害赢,从而赢得交配的机会和繁衍子孙。
- Most male millipedes have specially designed mating legs which they use to transfer sperm to the females .
- 多数雄性千足虫拥有专门用来交配的腿,将精液传送到雌性的体内。
- When you were in the throes of that early passion , you were going through mating behaviour .
- 你们经历过最初激情的煎熬,就仿佛是大自然中的交配行为一样。