marke 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I make it my habit to follow no one.except marke ?
- 我不习惯跟随他人.除了马克?
- The one butchered by marke 's tribes ? Would that be the force you speak of ?
- 那个被英国人屠杀的军队?就是你说的全军?
- Like all firms , insurance companies are in business to marke a profit .
- 同其它公司一样,经营保险公司是了挣钱。
- To promote the development of the marke t ecomomy and the socialist democracy , our government must refom the political sy ste m thoroughly , make a full use of positive affection of the market economy , and avo id its passive affection .
- 为了使市场经济体制与社会主义政治相互促进,必须进行全方位的政治体制改革,以充分发挥市场经济体制的积极作用,克服消极因素。
- Anyone who is currently marke .
- 任何人,是目前市场的.
- In this stage , the enterprise should focus on the countermeasure of ecognizing target marke .
- 在此阶段,房地产企业应注重合理确定目标市场的策略。
- Atlanta international gift & home furnishing marke .
- 亚特兰大国际礼品及家居饰品展。
- Cultivation of students majoring in tourism english in a higher vocational college shall meet changes and requirements of the marke .
- 高职旅游英语专业人才的培养需要适应市场的变化和需求。