Love is like sugar ; I bolted down and luxuriate in the sweet moments .
It is easier to announce aspirations , or to luxuriate in fluff .
You are a tree , the spring pass your imagination , you luxuriate pass summer , autumn pass you mature , you thought winter pas .
Labour-market regulations take much of the blame : while hard-to-fire older workers luxuriate on permanent contracts , the young are typically hired temporarily and are easier to sack .
You are a tree , the spring pass your imagination , you luxuriate pass summer , autumn pass you mature , you thought winter pass , you then tall broad crown , fieldwork never deserted .
The hound , feeling much aggrieved at this , reproached his companion , saying , " it is very hard to have all this labor , while you , who do not assist in the chase , luxuriate on the fruits of my exertions . "