luring 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Luring foreign investors has been made trickier by a spike in violence .
- 由于暴力事件的急剧飙升,吸引外国投资者已经变得更加困难。
- The lolitas of our time are defined as deliberate sexual provocateurs , luring adults into wickedness and transgressing moral and legal codes .
- 我们这个时代的洛丽塔被定义为引诱成年人沦于邪恶并逾越道德及法律准则的故意性挑衅者。
- The aim would be , as in 1931 , to split both the liberals and labour by luring centrists into supporting emergency economic measures .
- 与1931年时一样,这种策略旨在通过引诱中间分子支持紧急经济举措,来分裂自由党和工党。
- The only way britain can garner the same benefits is by luring big foreign investors to buy weak domestic companies oropen their own operations in the country-as the japanese carmakers did in the thatcher years .
- 英国获得同样利益的唯一方法是通过引诱大型外资去购买疲软的国内公司或者在本国自己操作----像日本汽车制造商在撒切尔那个时代做的那样。
- Regulation of law of the intention luring spy .
- 犯意诱发型诱惑侦查的法律规制。
- Obtaining an obligee 's business secrets by stealing , luring , coercion or any other illegitimate means .
- 以盗窃、利诱、胁迫或者其他不正当手段获取权利人的商业秘密的。
- Fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey .
- 大嘴上有象虫一样的细丝,用作诱饵来捕食食物。
- When a woman deliberately moves closer towards you , she may therefore be luring you into liking her more .
- 当某个女生故意靠近你,那么她很可能是在让你多喜欢她一点。
- Here we shall discuss only strategic retreat , which in kiangsi was called " luring the enemy in deep " and in szechuan " contracting the front " .
- 这里单说战略退却,江西叫做“诱敌深入”,四川叫做“收紧阵地”。
- Prevention and treatment : luring and killing treatment ; trap treatment ; and prevention facilities .
- 防制:诱杀处理,陷捕处理,防鼠设施。